Healing begins here.


We build communities free from violence by providing holistic healing for every member of the family.



DAP envisions a community free of domestic abuse where families experience healthy, safe and equal relationships.



Job Openings!

Are you a passionate leader seeking to engage in impactful community work? Join the DAP team to expand your conflict management skills, reflect on your intersectional identity in your practice, and engage in anti-oppressive and anti-racist work. DAP is growing—we are looking for team members interested in engaging in systems change work, one community member at a time. Our workspace requires flexibility, self-motivation, and a desire to engage in change work that can be slow and fast. Check out the opportunities here! Check out our organizational values here.

H.E.A.T: An Afro-centric approach to recovery from chemical use and domestic violence

We are currently recruiting participants for a new culturlally specific program, Habilitation Empowerment Accountability Therapy or HEAT. Eligible participants must currently be on probation or parole in Hennepin County. This program is a 9 month program that focuses on healing and habilitation within the individual, family and community. For more information or to sign up, contact our First Call services at 612-874-7063 x232!

Promoting DV Awareness on The People’s Station, KMOJ!

Thank you to Glen Golden at KMOJ for hosting our Executive Director, Amirthini Keefe, this month to talk about how to support a loved one who has experienced DV, reasons folks who experience violence stay in harmful relationships, how to access services at DAP, HEAT and our upcoming fundraiser for DAP!